Custom AR/VR
Development Solutions

AR/VR technology to logistics, healthcare, education, e-commerce, and other industries

We develop virtual reality apps and augmented reality solutions to help our customers reinforce their business

As a ar vr app development company we create cutting-edge augmented and virtual reality software development solutions to help our customers reinforce their business value. We provide a full cycle of vr ar development, including the discovery phase, UI/UX design, architecture planning, deployment, testing, maintenance, and support services

AR/VR Technology in Medicine

This is a cheaper and safer alternative to real doctor training. Surgeons can train with virtual reality tools and patients, can monitor operations as a surgeon, while not harming the patient.

At Stfalcon, we are convinced that VR in medicine has a great future and are involved in the development of medical VR products. Thus, one of our projects was devoted to the creation of a VR app aimed at diagnosing a specific and complex eye disease.

The solution proposed by our developers

  • helps to reduce the number of personnel involved in diagnostics by 2 times
  • and at the same time obtain more accurate data on the nature of the disease

AR/VR Technology in Real Estate

This is a complete online immersion in a ready-made property, which allows you to sell more efficiently and improve service for existing customers. With the help of virtual reality now long negotiations are in the past.

AR/VR Technology in Education

AR and VR help provide more clarity and interactivity in the learning process. For example, a student can clearly see a chemical reaction, and the pilot will not risk his life. With AR / VR, learning becomes more efficient and memorization – easier.

Contact us and we'll be happy to create something awesome for you


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