What is FinTech and How Does It Work?

What is FinTech and How Does It Work?

Technologies that deal with finances have been around for almost as long as the financial services industry. After the financial crisis of 2008, companies that applied cutting-edge technologies replaced traditional e-commerce service providers.

Top 10 Fintech Trends to Outlook for 2023

Top 10 Fintech Trends to Outlook for 2023

Being a combination of technology and financial services, Fintech has been transforming the global financial sphere, the way businesses operate, and the payments space for over a decade.

Human Hearts of Smart Cities

Human Hearts of Smart Cities

Smart Cities

The modern world is moving to cities. Urban population is predicted to reach 66 % from total by 2050. As a result, the cities themselves are evolving trying to meet the new challenges: traffic density, ecological issues, and social unsustainability.