Backend Developer
Senior PHP developer, read PHP Guru (over 10 years of experience). Sports and logics are basic temperament traits of this guy
Software engineers often debate whether to use monolithic architectures or microservices. Choosing proper architectural patterns is crucial for building scalable, maintainable, and efficient software systems.
A Simple Telegram Time Tracker Bot Creation
Everyone has Telegram nowadays. All of us use this messenger daily — it’s convenient, easy to use, intuitive, secure, and of course we all love stickers. Besides the personal messaging, we often use group chats — with family, friends and colleagues.
In the modern world of social media, each of us uses dozens of applications and websites every day. OAuth 2.0 identity provider is designed to simplify the authorization process and, as a result, make the lives of users easier and safer. The question arises — in which way?
Postman: a Quick Start for Development and Testing
This article is intended to speed up and simplify the process of mastering the Postman tool basic functionality.
The company positions its product as an API development platform.
But why does everyone love Postman platform?
Running PHPUnit Tests with Code Coverage in PHPStorm When Working in Docker
In PhpStorm, there is a possibility to create Run/Debug Configurations and to run them from IDE. It allows the project participants to share common configurations using a ‘Shared’ flag in the settings.
How to Set up a Symfony Project for Work with Docker Subdomains
There are situations when Symfony needs routing based on subdomains. For example, when we deal with various functional clusters within one project or one repository.
Code Commenting And PHP Documentation Generation
Why do we need comments in code? How to write them? Where they are necessary and where they are not? How to comment code correctly? How to create the same documentation style for all members of the team? What are the tools for documentation generation?
Symfony 2 Installation And Configuration
Since its release date, Symfony 2.0 installation process and tools required for it have been changed and updated for several times. In this article we tell you how to install and set up a Symfony2 application.
Deploying Symfony2 Applications On Heroku Cloud
When working on my small home project on Symfony2, I needed to deploy it on staging for testing API from the outside. Sure, you need some hosting for this purpose: either have it already or buy it.
How to Create A Custom Param Converter In Symfony2?
PHP-framework Symfony2 has a very nice component ParamConverter, which allows to convert parameters from URL into PHP variables. When the functionality that comes out of box isn’t enough, you should extend it manually. In this post I’ll show how to write your custom Symfony2 ParamConverter.