

iOS Developer

Viktor has a strong background in Swift, Objective-C, C/C++, and Python (basic level)
. Despite that, he is able to find time for my own crazy hobbies, like sailing, surfing, and skateboarding. He worked in a studio from 2017-2019 and has participated in numerous successful projects as an iOS Developer

Articles by {Viktor}

iOS Design Patterns

iOS Design Patterns

Шаблоны в iOS

In this article, we will cover iOS patterns. Some of them will be considered in details, another ones will be shortly described, and others won’t be included at all.

Hello CoreData!

Hello CoreData!

Hello CoreData!

Today we will review framework under the terrible name CoreData, from Apple. I hate it so much. This is Apple's solution to work with SQLite (a relational database). CoreData can store Swift objects in SQLite, and also it can perform the reverse operation.

iOS Development: Best Practices

iOS Development: Best Practices

iOS development. Best practices

Hello. In this article, I will try to give some tips on writing a code for beginners in iOS development. I will not dive in much details, since it will take a lot of time (to be honest, I’m just too lazy).

Animation In IOS: Native Solutions And Third-Party Frameworks

Animation In IOS: Native Solutions And Third-Party Frameworks

Animation in iOS: native solutions and third-party frameworks

Today we will take a look at a couple of quite simple examples, learn about pros and cons of what Apple has to offer in terms of animation and get ourselves familiar with some third-party frameworks I personally find to be quite useful for handling animation. I will also show you how to use UIKit Dynamics and Motion Effects available starting from iOS 7.

Beyond MVC: How to Use MVVM in iOS

Beyond MVC: How to Use MVVM in iOS

Beyond MVC: how to use MVVM in iOS

Today we’re going to talk about MVVM pattern. We will discuss its advantages in comparison to MVC and take a look at two implementation examples, a small and a big one. You will be able to use the latter in your work as an example of a good architecture for almost any MVVM project. So, let’s start with the basics :)