Top 5 IoT Devices for 2023

Top 5 IoT Devices for 2023

Stfalcon Wins a Clutch Global Award

You may wonder what is IoT. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term used to describe the vast network of physical objects, or 'things', that are connected to the Internet and exchange data with other devices and systems.

Application of the IoT Technology in Payment

Application of the IoT Technology in Payment

Stfalcon Wins a Clutch Global Award

Payments with IoT technology can improve various aspects of our lives. Every second, 127 new devices are connected to the Internet in the world. There will be 64 billion such smart devices by 2025. This is a significant change compared to 2018 when there were about 10 billion.

Human Hearts of Smart Cities

Human Hearts of Smart Cities

Smart Cities

The modern world is moving to cities. Urban population is predicted to reach 66 % from total by 2050. As a result, the cities themselves are evolving trying to meet the new challenges: traffic density, ecological issues, and social unsustainability.