

Android Developer

Android developer with more than 6 years of experience in building, integrating, testing, and supporting Android apps and more than 6 years of experience in programming. Andrii can always plan a trip on any budget, being an excellent company and an open person to talk to

Articles by {Andrii}

How to Create an Investment App: Detailed Guide

How to Create an Investment App: Detailed Guide

Ever wondered how those sleek investment applications on your phone work? The ones that let you track your portfolio, buy and sell stocks, and maybe even get a little financially savvy along the way? Well, buckle up, because we're about to take you behind the scenes!

How To Start A Streaming Service

How To Start A Streaming Service

Video Streaming: Technical Aspects, Challenges, Budget

Looking at the modern tendencies of the network’s development and Internet speed increase the services which work with video content gain popularity.

How to Develop a Travel App and How Much Does it Cost

How to Develop a Travel App and How Much Does it Cost

How Much Does It Cost to Develop Travel App in  2019

More than a decade has passed since Apple launched its AppStore in the summer of 2008. The new platform has actually given birth to a new ecosystem of digital apps and the launching of it can by right be considered a starting point of the new epoch in mobile application development.

How to Build a Personal Finance App Like Mint

How to Build a Personal Finance App Like Mint

In case you go crazy like most people, when you need to deal with your budget and can hardly say how much you earn and spend, not speaking of investing, timely bill payments, and loan coverage, you need an app for finance management. And you are not alone!

Advancing Healthcare Interoperability for SaMD and IoMT Solutions

Advancing Healthcare Interoperability for SaMD and IoMT Solutions

Interoperability in Healthcare isn't merely a technical concept or a legal requirement. It wields a profound influence on patient well-being, and harnessing it opens up boundless possibilities for healthcare enterprises to provide greater value, boost revenue, reduce expenses, and even save lives.

Mobile App Development Trends to Follow in 2024

Mobile App Development Trends to Follow in 2024

Talking Mobile Tech Trends with the Stfalcon's experts

Mobile app development trends bring benefits, but often have certain teething troubles as well. Today we spoke it over with Stfalcon experts and found out the potential new technologies have and the difficulties one may face during cross-platform development