How to Build a Billing Software

You can't risk losing customers at any point in their buying journey. From their first visit to your store to billing and invoicing, you must ensure a seamless and pleasant experience. This is crucial for business growth.

Higher customer expectations and real-time transactions make billing hectic in today's digital era. Outdated software or a mix of ineffective tools can cause problems for your finance team. Custom billing system can solve these issues.

Whether you run a startup or a large enterprise, custom billing software can fit your specific business needs. It can automate up to 50% of manual financial and accounting tasks, helping your business grow. The global e-invoicing industry is expected to reach $24.726 million by 2027.

Find out how to build billing software in the following blog post.

What is Billing Software?

An invoice is a kind of bill that shows what was bought and sold between a buyer and seller or service provider. Its job is to keep track of sales and let customers know what they owe, making sure they pay for what they got on time.

A billing and invoicing system lets you track services and products, create and send invoices, and accept payments. Knowing how to develop a billing software can automate repetitive tasks, saving your team time and effort. Some invoicing tools even track the time spent on client work to generate hourly bills.

Billing and invoicing are similar but have different meanings. An invoice is what businesses send to clients showing what they bought and how much they owe. Customers get a bill to show what they bought and have to pay. Also, invoices have a payment deadline, while bills need to be paid as soon as they're received.

In addition to basic functions, you can manage debt, handle collections, access reports, process payments, taxes, and balance financial books. This is just the beginning of what such systems can offer.

Your unique business needs play a crucial role in designing a billing app. Every business, regardless of size, benefits from a basic billing and invoicing system. These systems enable faster payments, quicker reinvestment, and prompt market response. Minimize non-compliance errors and payment delays, allowing you to better serve your clients and customers.

Using Off-the-Shelf vs Custom Billing Software

Invoices are a headache for businesses, big or small. It's not just about getting paid, it's about getting paid on time. Many companies struggle with late payments, with up to 78% of them admitting to it. Doing things manually, like entering data and reminding customers to pay, isn't efficient anymore. That's why more businesses are turning to billing software. It helps ease the pain, keeps data safe, and automates finances and invoices.

Business owners need to know how to create a billing software. This automation improves performance and reduces errors.

You have two options: buy a ready-made solution or develop a custom system. Let’s explore each option.

Off-the-Shelf solutions

A ready-made app is a good choice if you need basic features or want to try billing software before making a custom one. Here’s what you get when you buy one:

A ready-made app is a good choice if you need basic features or want to try billing software before making a custom one. Here’s what you get when you buy one:

  • Basic features: Ready-made systems include invoice templates, reminders, and reports.
  • Third-party integrations: can connect with popular CRM, ERP systems, and e-commerce platforms.
  • No training and setup: They usually have easy-to-use interfaces and 24/7 support, so your team can use them immediately. Ensure to pick one that doesn't overwhelm your finance team with unnecessary features.

However, problems may arise when you need unique features or higher customization. Ready-made solutions may not be ideal if you work with diverse customer groups payment models, languages, or compliance regulations. They also need more complex discount systems, fees, or department limits. For these cases, custom billing software development is a more suitable choice.

Custom software

The custom system is made just for your business. It's tailored to fit your needs perfectly, making your invoicing process better. This kind of tool is created, designed, and maintained specifically for your business. It's private and can't be used by anyone else. You can change it or update it whenever you need to, depending on how your business grows and changes.

Custom billing software development offers several advantages. It seamlessly integrates with existing systems

  • Provides advanced functionality
  • Tailored to specific needs
  • Scalable for future growth.

Think about how complex your current system is and what your business goals are. Custom development works well for tackling special challenges or handling fast growth.

To help you make an informed decision, let’s look at recent trends in the billing software system market.



Client Manager

Latest Trends in Billing Software

With a projected value of $24.726 million by 2027, it's set to soar fivefold compared to 2018. The demand for real-time payments fuels the surge in billing software development. It was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses aim for faster transaction processes to enhance cash flow.

As the billing software development sector rapidly evolves, it's crucial to know key trends. Understanding these trends helps businesses anticipate future market needs.


Blockchain technology enhances data security by spreading encrypted data across servers. It eliminates the need for third-party storage. In billing and fintech software, it ensures transparent transactions. It also reduces fraud risk, and tracks changes in real-time.


Automation is vital in billing software. It streamlines processes and allows finance teams to focus on high-value tasks. It makes things easier with reminders, automated data entry, and recurring billing. You don't have to do as much by hand.

AI and ML

AI and machine learning advancements elevate automation with predictive analysis and pattern recognition. In online invoicing software, these technologies enable businesses to track transactions. It also detects potential fraud and minimizes errors and manual interventions.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is very important for business billing. It gets rid of the need for onsite servers and lets you access data from anywhere. Plus, it gives you real-time updates and remote access, so you can handle issues fast and use different devices.

Mobile Invoicing

Billing processes are shifting towards mobile solutions. They allow customers to view and pay bills directly from their smartphones. This shift speeds up payment processing and improves the overall customer experience. Quick access to billing information businesses can streamline transactions and increase client satisfaction.

Importance of Billing Software

Billing software makes invoicing easy. It does tasks like creating invoices, tracking payments, and sending reminders automatically. This saves time and reduces mistakes, helping both businesses and clients. Plus, it works well with other systems like CRM or accounting. It makes data transfer smooth and operations efficient.

Also, billing software gives businesses detailed financial reports. It shows things like revenue and outstanding payments. This helps with decision-making and planning for future growth.

Key Benefits of Developing Custom Invoicing Software

Creating a custom solution offers unique benefits tailored to a business's needs. Here are the main benefits:

Tailored Solution

Tailored invoicing services are specifically for your industry and brand. This means they're tailored to fit your unique needs and requirements. You can select the features and functions that work best for business. This customization ensures that your invoicing system integrates seamlessly with your existing operations. It will result in a smoother workflow and improved user satisfaction.

Streamlined Billing Processes

Custom billing software streamlines your billing procedures by automating tasks and minimizing errors. This customized solution helps you create invoices. And make sure calculations are correct, and send reminders for late payments automatically. It saves time and makes customers happier.

By automating, you'll spend less time on manual work, and lower the chance of mistakes.

Integration with Existing Systems

Custom billing software integrates with your current business systems like CRM. This integration ensures seamless data transfer and consistency across different departments. It streamlines operations and enhances overall efficiency. This integration eradicates manual data entry, allowing for real-time synchronization of information. This ensures uniformity across various departments and offers comprehensive business operations.

Cost Savings and Return on Investment

Custom billing software may require an initial investment in development resources and time. But it often leads to long-term cost savings. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, custom software doesn't involve recurring subscription fees. Additionally, it enhanced efficiency, error reduction, and improved customer satisfaction. So you have a return on investment (ROI) by increasing productivity and revenue.

Key Features of Billing Software

Online software for billing offers various features designed to streamline processes. Key features include:

  • Your billing software should cover the basics like creating, sending, and managing invoices. It should also handle payments smoothly, integrating with payment gateways for seamless transactions.
  • Managing customer information, including contact details and billing info, is crucial. You'll want a system that keeps track of your products and services, with simple invoices.
  • For subscription-based businesses, automated recurring billing is a must. Customizable invoice templates with your branding ensure a professional look. Tax calculation and compliance features help you stay on top of financial regulations.
  • Reporting tools provide insights into your finances. Multi-currency and multi-language support cater to global businesses. Data security, backups, and integration with accounting systems are essential for smooth operations.
  • Automated notifications and reminders keep track of payments, and ensure data security. Mobile accessibility lets you manage billing tasks from anywhere, anytime.
  • Choose cross-platform app development for your billing software. Cross-platform development ensures compatibility across various devices, including tablets and smartphones.

How to Develop a Billing Software

Before diving into building billing software, figure out what you really need. Don't rush into automation without understanding your goals and capabilities. Recurring billing tools might seem perfect, but they might not match reality. Consider things like resources, costs, and what you actually need before starting. Decide who will develop it, how much you can spend, and why you're making it. Once you've got all that sorted, you can move on to the next step.

To make a software project work, you have to use your time, energy, and resources wisely. It's important to know why making billing and invoice management software.


First, decide on your software development business model. This model outlines how the software will be developed and used.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • What problems should the billing software address?
  • How many people will use it?
  • Is your workload stable, or does it vary throughout the year?
  • Do you need custom web or mobile app development services, or both?

This list isn’t comprehensive. But it helps you understand the direction of billing software requirements.

Team assembling

To build a successful app, your development team should specialize in fintech. Billing software developers should also know cloud computing, automation, and ML.

You have two hiring options:

1. In-house team:

Suitable for large enterprises wanting full control over the development process. However, this approach requires time for recruitment, interviewing, and onboarding.

2. Offshore development team:

Outsourcing speeds up the process, as the service provider handles recruitment. It also allows access to a broader talent pool and reduces operating costs. For example, at Relevant, we can start a project within two weeks of the initial meeting with a customer.

Product development

Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for billing software is not mandatory. But it is highly recommended. An MVP helps identify the real needs of the finance team. It provides a basic version of the software to gather user feedback.

An MVP allows companies to test with real users and gather analytical data to refine features.

With an MVP, the development process is more focused and efficient. However, two crucial factors need attention:

1. APIs and Integrations: require features like bill tracking, basic transactions, and chat support. These can be built from scratch or integrated using third-party services. Ensure your app can securely and smoothly integrate third-party APIs.

2. Security: Since billing software handles personal and financial information. It must have robust security features. This includes secure application logic and role-based access control.

Testing and Deployment

Test and maintain your software to ensure readability. Eliminate technical debt, and ensure ease of use for team members. Regular maintenance ensures that your code remains clear and functional. It reduces the risk of errors and improves usability. Billing software is a dynamic product, so optimize its design and functionality.

Remember, invoicing software is a long-term investment. It will be a valuable tool for years, so it deserves a carefully planned approach from the start.

How Much Does it Cost to Create Custom Billing Software?

The cost of custom billing software development varies based on features, tech stack, timeline, and team size. Here's a breakdown of a typical project team:

  • Business analysis
  • UX/UI design
  • Development (depending on the chosen tech stack)
  • Testing and launch
  • Post-launch support (maintenance)
  • Platform management

A basic team might include a business analyst, a designer, back-end developers, a front-end developer, and QA.

Outsourcing your team can save you money. In the USA, developers can charge up to $150 per hour. In Ukraine, it's much cheaper at $50-$100 per hour for senior engineers.

Why Choose Stfalcon for Billing Software Development?

Custom invoicing tools do more than just handle money. They keep you updated, help with customer relationships and track team productivity. They're a smart investment for your finance team in the long run.

However, with their versatility, it’s easy to lose track of core functionalities. We're here to help you create a software application tailored to your business needs. Our dedicated team will propose the best solution.

With a clear vision, the development process will be straightforward. Create advanced invoicing software with Stfalcon, a top 1000 Clutch provider. We use cross-platform development with Flutter to reach multiple devices. Flutter allows us to build natively compiled apps using a single codebase.


There isn't a one-size-fits-all best invoicing software. Each type has its own good and bad points. Now that you know how to create a software for billing, decide which is suitable for you. If you need something simple off-the-shelf invoicing software might be better. It's usually cheaper and easier to set up. But remember, it might not fit your needs forever.

But if you need more than the basics, custom invoicing software could be the way to go. Just make sure the benefits are worth the cost and effort before you decide.

Custom invoicing systems do more than just handle financial matters. They can also offer benefits in various other areas. These innovative software applications can provide dependable updates, assist in managing customer relationships.

At Stfalcon, we specialize in creating efficient and reliable custom invoicing solutions. Contact us to streamline your invoicing and improve your business operations. With our expertise and cutting-edge technology, we ensure that your invoicing needs are met.

Here are some common questions about custom billing software development. Keep reading to discover the answers.

FAQs About Creating Billing Software

How long does it take to create billing software?

Creating a billing system is crucial for businesses to manage their financial operations. Typically, it takes about six months to develop a reliable billing system. Skilled developers work diligently during this time to ensure the software meets the business's needs. The end product simplifies invoicing, enhances financial transparency, and contributes to success.

What is billing software?

It simplifies invoicing and payment processing for businesses by automating tasks. Furthermore, organizations charge customers for the products and services they receive more efficiently.

What are the benefits of using billing software?

Billing software simplifies invoice processing and payment services. It improves data accuracy, tracks invoices easily, and eliminates duplicate data entry. Built-in functions reduce human error and send automatic reminders for invoices. This makes the process more efficient. Integrating billing software automates customer orders and processes them in real-time. It reduces errors and optimizes resources for better profit margins. This streamlines operations and helps businesses manage their invoicing and payments more effectively.