Stfalcon is a design, mobile, and web development company that helps businesses navigate the modern digital space. Since 2009, we’ve been a trusted delivery partner of digital solutions for companies of all sizes. Today, we’re proud to have accomplished over 270 projects with more than 50 specialists on board!
In our mission to aid our partners in developing digital experiences, we recently received news that we’ve been ranked among the best vendors in the world! According to Clutch, Stfalcon is among the Top 1000 Global Service Providers.
It’s time to make your presence felt and be accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Here at Stfalcon, we can help you extend your reach and become more visible with ingenious mobile app solutions. We’ll modernize your business and plant the seeds for long term growth.
A B2B ratings and reviews firm in the heart of Washington, D.C., Clutch connects businesses with the best-fit agencies or consultants they need to tackle their next big business challenge. Clutch covers hundreds of different services from IT to advertising and marketing and ranks service providers based on a range of factors, including past clients and experience, verified client reviews, and market presence.
Check out our most recent reviews on the platform:
«Stfalcon’s communication skills and kindness made them different.»
— Zaid Ibhais, CEO, Albus Qatar
«Their dedication and integrity are their greatest qualities.»
— Founder, Data Science Platform
«The team is talented and continually upgrades their expertise by bringing on knowledgeable resources.»
— Anya Taggart, COO, Food Teck, LLC/Balabing
We would like to express our appreciation to those who left their feedback about what we do. Because of you, we’re recognized by the leading market research platform today.
We wouldn’t be where we are if not for the support of our partners. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for the continued trust in our work.
Ready to tackle your digital challenges? Say hi our team today!