The Hump — luggage transportation service

The Hump is a Saudi start-up powered by a group of aspiring brothers with a passion for traveling.
Stfalcon’s task was to develop a service solution for the people who often travel by plane, whether because they like it or for business.
The key purpose set for the service was to save time through handling all the baggage-related procedures, starting from its delivery to the airport and finishing with getting a boarding pass and baggage tag.
The Hump offers:
- Baggage transfer from the traveler’s home to the airport
- Baggage transfer from the airport to traveler’s home
- Baggage storage

At the client’s request, Stfalcon took only the main functionality to work, to test the idea.
So, the MVP version contains:
- The possibility to leave an order
- Tracking the luggage possibility
- Humps’ contact details and information about the company
- Two-language interface: English and Arabic
- The option of sending an order to the manager’s email
- Email design
- Desktop, tablet, and mobile version
Backend part
The users were divided into the 3 following categories:
1. Administrator
2. Manager
3. Courier
Specific scenarios were developed for each role. They allow users to fulfill separate actions: to place an order, to change its status, to notify the client, to appoint a courier, to monitor statistics and transactions.
Every role is individual, however, where the features are common, they can be interchangeable.

Stfalcon has built and launched a startup in a month. The Hump startup successfully operates for half a year and has processed over 300 orders already. Now, the plan of how to scale the project is already worked out: it presupposes the possibility of tracking the baggage along the way, as well as automated status changing and couriers’ appointments.
- Yulia
- Serhii
Project manager