Impact mapping: What is, How to Create (Examples)

Impact mapping: What is, How to Create (Examples)

impact mapping

Imagine the situation: for several months, all your team is hard at work developing a project. The product is cool, you release a trial version — and suddenly the client says that «it’s just not what he meant».

Best Recruitment Automation Software: Reasons to Automated Your Recruiting

Best Recruitment Automation Software: Reasons to Automated Your Recruiting

Recruitment management system

Recruitment management software is increasingly in demand. Solutions for recruitment process automation or so-called Human Capital Management Systems (HCM) offer us great prospects — the HCM global market has grown to $ 22.51B by 2022, comparing to $14.50B in 2017. How can your business benefit from HCM solution and why develop online recruitment system?

6 Most Successful Startups to Watch in 2018

6 Most Successful Startups to Watch in 2018

Successful US Startups to watch in 2018

Successful US startups attract millions of dollars investment annually. What is the secret of a successful startup and how to turn your idea into a profitable project?

5 Best Text Editors For Web Developers

5 Best Text Editors For Web Developers

5 best text editors for web developers

“What is the best text editor for web developers?” — this question bothers not only beginners but experienced developers as well. New software is launched regularly, client requirements are growing, your own skills are improving and you want to automate routine procedures for large projects and get as much as possible out of the box.

The Guide to Tech: Vue.js

The Guide to Tech: Vue.js

Vue js application

The Vue.js 2.0 release was held back in 2016, but many owners of technology companies and Javascript developers still hesitate to use it in their projects. In this article, we will consider the key points of this solution.

iOS Swift 4: Today Extension

iOS Swift 4: Today Extension

Today extension in iOS

There are various extensions that provide quick access to information without necessity to open app fully, in order to make iOS app convenient for use. All you need is just to swipe the main screen left and you will see a list of widgets — this is the Today extension which we will discuss in this article.

How to Effectively Balance Work and Study?

How to Effectively Balance Work and Study?

Balance Work and Study

Ukrainian IT-industry lacks about 15 thousand specialists every year — it is a great opportunity for those who want to «enter the IT». However, the lack of personnel doesn’t mean that IT companies are ready to accept people without knowledge.