

Content Manager

Iryna has a solid knowledge of writing articles for the corporate blog in English, optimizing articles for the Google search engine, and preparing video and photo illustrations for publications. She worked in a studio from 2018-2019

Articles by Iryna

Best Online Marketplaces for 2018 and Beyond

Best Online Marketplaces for 2018 and Beyond

Top online marketplaces

Vibrant showcases, repetitious rows of shelves, enticing muzak, smiling assistants... A precise picture of a shopping paradise, a place where you readily change your cash for 1001 something, as if enchanted by a magic wand of a mighty wizard. Well, it seems no — not anymore.

Human Hearts of Smart Cities

Human Hearts of Smart Cities

Smart Cities

The modern world is moving to cities. Urban population is predicted to reach 66 % from total by 2050. As a result, the cities themselves are evolving trying to meet the new challenges: traffic density, ecological issues, and social unsustainability.