The year is approaching its end and we’ve got an idea to overview everything interested published in 2019. Almost at the beginning of the year the article 5 Thoughts About the Future of Mobile App Development and the one about The Future Of Mobile Apps In The Next Decade were published. The latter predicts that by 2025, the mobile industry will have 5.9 billion unique mobile subscribers. It’s more than 70% of the expected Earth population, thus the content could not but drew our attention as a mobile development company.
We are also interested in various trends of mobile development and the article most enjoyed by Stfalcon readers was, by the way, Top 10 Travel Industry Trends in 2019. Since traveling is of interest to many people we touched upon this topic in various aspects throughout the year. However, the article telling How Much Does It Cost to Develop Travel App in 2019 gained the most popularity and you can still find and read it in our blog. Besides, we have revealed the 5 Progressive Digital Solutions to Upscale Your Transport and Logistics Business in 2019. The content is devoted to development peculiarities in the transportation segment. We guess its popularity is subject to the fact that it touches transportation in various aspects and the software products are viewed as transportation and fleet management systems, parcel forwarding systems, and online ticket booking options.
We often study and devote articles to the technological aspects. If you are interested in mobile app development, read about the 8 Steps to Understanding The Mobile App Development Lifecycle and if you want to go further you may get to know How to Become a Mobile App Developer (A Complete Newbie Guide). Do you remember that You Are Never Too Old or Too Young to Be an App Developer? We wrote about the oldest app developer from Japan Masako Wakamiya and the articles about her still top the ratings. So you can follow her example and self-educate, independently of the age. Our blog can be quite handy for the purpose as well — there are plenty of cases and some technological guides in our blog, but the article explaining Why Kubernetes is a Considerable Step Forward in Software Products Development tops the list. Study it if you are eager to deal with product scaling.
We like startups and innovations, often study them and participate in them. The article how Students developed a mobile app to send out fire alert in phones demonstrates that the young generation is also interested in innovations, however, the popularity of Stfalcon publication TikTok App Popularity Secrets and Some Handy Tips for an App-Like-It Development was provoked by the popularity of the TikTok app, proving that youngsters still like to entertain.
We also like not only to work but to entertain and that’s why we shared the experience of Stfalcon 10 Remarkable Years at a Glance with our audience. This article tells how we spent the last decade, discloses our expectations and inspiration for the future and with this in mind we happily close the 2019 and pass on to 2020.
Now we open a new page and a decade in Stfalcon’s history. Stay with us to know more :)