

Team Lead Frontend

Ruslan has a solid knowledge of Angular/Vue.js/Svelte/Node.js/JavaScript/TypeScript/HTML5/CSS3. Ruslan was working in a studio from 2015-2020 and has participated in numerous successful projects as a Front-end developer.

Articles by Ruslan

Single Page Application (SPA) Principles Every Web Developer Should Know

Single Page Application (SPA) Principles Every Web Developer Should Know

SPA Development Principles

Every SPA development project is unique in its own way. The application can have a unique design, a complicated business logic, a very specific target audience. Still, in spite of the uniqueness, a great part of the development process can be generalized and its common principles can be defined for more effective work.

5 Best Text Editors For Web Developers

5 Best Text Editors For Web Developers

5 best text editors for web developers

“What is the best text editor for web developers?” — this question bothers not only beginners but experienced developers as well. New software is launched regularly, client requirements are growing, your own skills are improving and you want to automate routine procedures for large projects and get as much as possible out of the box.

The Guide to Tech: Vue.js

The Guide to Tech: Vue.js

Vue js application

The Vue.js 2.0 release was held back in 2016, but many owners of technology companies and Javascript developers still hesitate to use it in their projects. In this article, we will consider the key points of this solution.

Responsive eCommerce Sites

Responsive eCommerce Sites

Responsive Ecommerce Sites

Long time ago when only PC and laptops were used for internet browsing, it was fairly easy to create a website that looks good on most screens. But nowadays smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and other wearable devices has significantly complicated this process. That’s why responsive ecommerce site that adapts to various screens is a necessity for many companies.

CSS Transitions And Animations. Motion Path Module CSS

CSS Transitions And Animations. Motion Path Module CSS

CSS Transitions and Animations. Motion Path Module CSS

Before CSS3 rising, front-end developers were tossed into a cold sweat, when they heard a word «animation». And all because one reason: it was very non-trivial task to make quality and beautiful animation at those old days. CSS could not do it, so all the animations were made with JavaScript.