Enterprise Mobile App Development: How Much It Cost

Modern enterprises, if they want to stay competitive in the market, need to follow the trends of the contemporary digital world. Now as we enter the connected customer service age, enterprise application development gains momentum, because the connections between the companies and their customers as well as employees offer enormous value.

Businesses can unlock real-time data streams with the help of enterprise applications.

No wonder, according to Statista, the overall IT spending on enterprise software in 2023 was 1 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. At present, this segment is considered the fastest-growing one in the IT industry. The global revenue for enterprise application software is expected to exceed 420 billion U.S. dollars in 2025.

With around a quarter, 100.7 billion U.S. dollars, in its largest submarket of  enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. It is followed by CRMs and content management software app markets.

Still, to develop an effective enterprise solution, you need to adopt a new approach to software creation. So, let’s look into the significant aspects of enterprise application development in 2024.

What is Enterprise Mobile App Development

We are here to learn how to create a mobile app for an enterprise. Yet, let’s first find out what an enterprise application is. It’s a solution designed to integrate the computer systems of an organization for its work coordination, core business processes integration, and effective cooperation throughout the enterprise.

The cutting-edge enterprise solution can manage all the processes of accounting, sales, finance, HR, inventory, and services in real time. It can also link the company with its customers, suppliers, and business partners in the most effective way possible.

So, the key functions of an enterprise app are:

  • Keeping company data up-to-date across systems;
  • Aligning enterprise divisions and brunches towards common goals;
  • Bringing costs between departments down;
  • Facilitating data-informed decisions;
  • Creating a centralized place to manage corporate processes.

The development and deployment of such applications help businesses achieve their goals and meet their corporate needs. These apps are designed to automate processes and workflows. They should be user-friendly and scalable to grow when the business grows.

In the past, creating enterprise applications was often done by large in-house development teams with an IT infrastructure setting, accompanied by security and maintenance concerns. Due to the shortage of talent and the necessity to invest in infrastructure and tools, the process of enterprise app development was time- and budget-consuming.

The new demands of the connected world have resulted in cloud platforms’ introduction. Speed, agility, and scalability are crucial for modern software creation. So, enterprise application development services are actively adopting cloud technologies. It has fundamentally changed the approach to enterprise software application development, making it agile and collaborative. Cloud technologies also allowed interaction with both internal business teams and external agencies, incorporating the end user’s essential needs.

Cloud platforms enable developers to collaborate without the installation and configuration of expensive or time-consuming hardware. More than that, the specialists and teams can communicate in real time, wherever they are.

APIs, built-in tools, user management possibilities, security, reusable UI components, data integration options, and templates are available on cloud platforms. All this helps to effectively cope with the challenges in enterprise app development. Moreover, variable cloud service models, like SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) help businesses make their applications operate faster.



Client Manager

Types of Enterprise Software and Who Needs It

Enterprise applications comprise a wide range of solutions with variable architecture and functionality. So, the answer to the question above is simple. Any organization with consistent business processes needs an enterprise software solution.

All the enterprise software can be divided into

  • Management apps
  • Analytic Software
  • Team collaboration solutions
  • Storage Enterprise Applications

Management Apps

The first category is one of the most significant. It comprises process management solutions in various areas.

Enterprise resource planning, HR, and business management spheres need such solutions for smooth and effective work.

ERP software covers the areas of accounting, procurement, production, distribution sales, customer services, human resources, corporate performance, and governance.

Think about such giants as Bosh, Marc Jacobs, and Nestle. They all use ERP solutions for business management and integration of all business parts.

HR management applications are widely used to introduce corporate values and processes. Behind every mighty company stand its people, culture, and values. Don't forget about well-arranged processes, strict deadlines, and planned actions.

Solutions like Zoho People, Clear Company, WorkBright, and WorkStyle relieve the multi-layered HR departments' work. As a result, they streamline processes.

Business management solutions are usually intended to increase business efficiency. KISSFLOW, Appian Low-Code Platform, and Nintex, for example, can be integrated into the existing architecture of the company. You can use them to improve the workflow.

Analytic Software

Processing data and using it to gain benefit is a must for every business nowadays. Otherwise, you’ll quickly lose your competitiveness. There are applications that facilitate data gathering, reading, and processing for business advantage. Tableau and Holistics are to mention a few.

Business Intelligence software also comprises Data Warehousing solutions, Master Data Management (MDM), and more.

Team Collaboration Solutions

It’s another group of enterprise applications that includes software for team communication and collaboration. Hardly there is a person now who has not heard of Slack. There are some other solutions, like Smartsheet, Forecast, Monday.com. They help team members stay connected, synchronized, and collaborate effectively on the company’s important milestones.

The main types of this kind of applications are CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. They allow one to keep in touch with existing and potential customers or CMSs (Content management systems) essential for digital content or routine workflow creation.

As a rule, such solutions are browser-based, agile-focused, flexible, and synchronizing in real time.

Storage Enterprise Applications

Every successful business once faces the necessity of systematizing and storing its content. So, special applications help to retain content according to the business standards and principles of the company. Examples of such apps include Snowflakes, RStudio, Workato, and much more.

Developing enterprise applications vendors often use cloud computing or cloud infrastructure, there are also hybrid solutions. Let’s look closer at the process of development.

Developing enterprise applications vendors often use cloud computing or cloud infrastructure. There are also hybrid solutions on the market. Let’s look closer at the process of app development for enterprises.

Why Does Your Organization Need an Enterprise Mobile Application?

In today's fast-paced business world, mobility is key. Employees need to access important data and applications on the go. Mobile app development for enterprises allows your team to work efficiently from anywhere. There are many reasons why enterprise apps development is a smart investment.

Boosts Productivity

Give your employees the ability to work on the go. With an enterprise app, they can access documents, databases, and other resources remotely. No more being tied to a desktop. They can quickly look up inventory, log activities, input data, and more. Everything is done on their mobile devices. This mobility increases productivity. Work can be done anywhere, anytime.

Streamlines Operations

Move away from clunky paper forms and manual processes. With mobile apps, you can digitize operational workflows like inspections, work orders, approvals, and reporting. This reduces errors and inefficiencies.

Enterprise applications development offers powerful capabilities for automating and streamlining repetitive tasks. They offer built-in features like custom forms, barcode scanning, and automated workflows. With them, employees can quickly capture data, start processes, and receive real-time updates. This level of task automation saves valuable time. It also reduces the potential for human error. As a result, this leads to increased efficiency and accuracy across your operations.

Improves Communication & Collaboration

Enterprise apps have communication and collaboration features built right in. Team members can easily share files, exchange messages, and update shared workspaces. This improves collaboration and keeps projects moving forward efficiently.

Provides Secure Access to Data

With an enterprise app, you control how company data is accessed from mobile devices. Security features like secure logins, data encryption, and remote wipe capabilities protect your organization's sensitive information.

Better Customer Service

Field service, sales, and customer support teams can provide better service through mobile access to client data. The faster response times and insight into customer history lead to increased satisfaction.

Lower Costs

While there is an upfront investment for app development, mobile solutions pay off. They reduce operational expenses like printing, shipping, travel, and overhead costs. Mobile apps provide long-term cost savings.

Demonstrates Innovation

Implementing a cutting-edge enterprise mobile app positions you as a leader. This technology communicates that your business is modern, efficient and puts an emphasis on productivity. This can help attract talent and build loyalty.

In summary, an enterprise mobile application gives powerful benefits. It equips employees with the ability to securely access the tools they need on mobile devices. This mobility maximizes productivity, collaboration, and efficiency across your entire organization.

What are the Challenges of Developing Enterprise Mobile Applications?

The enterprise application development process is different from creating apps for individual consumers. The former must meet strict security, integration, and management requirements. There are many challenges that enterprise app developers face. Let's review them.


Mobile devices access corporate networks and data. This raises security risks, like data breaches. Developers must install strong security measures like encryption, authentication, and authorization controls. They have to protect against threats like data breaches, malware, and unauthorized access.


Integration is another big challenge. Enterprise apps don't run alone. They must integrate with other business systems. These can be backend systems like databases, web services, and legacy applications. Integrating with these existing systems is complex. Different systems may use diverse technologies and data formats. A seamless connection and synchronization of data are essential for developers.

Offline Capabilities

Many enterprise scenarios need offline app functionality. For example, field employees may lack internet access at times. Apps must allow full or partial use in disconnected mode. Syncing data when reconnected is another challenge.

Performance Optimization

Performance is critical. Enterprise apps may need to handle large data volumes or compute-intensive operations. Optimizing for different device capabilities and network conditions is challenging.

Multiple Platforms

Creating a consistent UX across many platforms is not easy. Enterprise apps must maintain a native look and feel on each platform. This increases complexity, testing needs, and costs.

The enterprise app landscape is rife with technical hurdles around security, integration, and management. Developing robust apps requires a skilled enterprise app development company. It should have specialized knowledge of mobile architectures and enterprise system landscapes. Navigating these challenges is crucial for deploying mobile apps that meet an organization's workflow needs while protecting corporate data and assets.

Enterprise App Development Process at Stfalcon

Modern businesses progressively opt for custom app development. This is because they fail to find a perfect fit among the ready-made solutions.

So, to please a client, an enterprise application development company should provide a powerful solution that scales. Yet, every product starts with an idea and research. So, at Stfalcon we always start from the discovery.

Discovery Stage

The first step of how to create enterprise mobile app is to know the market. It’s not the ideal UI or clean code that makes software leading-edge. It’s often the commitment to the idea that makes a product stand out. So, we listen to our client, imbibe the idea, and interview executives, project managers, and team members. Thus, we understand the business goals and requirements up-to-date. Then we proceed with market, customer, and audience research, data analysis. Then we move on to brainstorming to form the concept of a well-balanced solution.

It’s vital to grasp the business idea and the problem to solve, as well as the KPIs to meet. We look for the balance of technology, innovation, and brand identity. As soon as we have analyzed all the inputs, we frame the precise project demands. Finally, we agree on our concept with the customer.

Design and Development

Once the technical side, feature matrix, and sprint plan are created and agreed upon, the app development process moves on to the next stage of design and development.

We create interactive prototypes. They are aimed at providing ideal user interaction with the digital product. Then, developers implement the app’s functionality through front-end and back-end engineering, API integration, and much more.

Stfalcon is an experienced enterprise mobile app development company. We can create any kind of app, be it iOS, Android, or cross-platform solutions. Since a custom business app is built around a client's needs, it can be integrated with any existing software.


Our mission is to provide our customers with bespoke, bug-free, and well-functioning products. That’s why testing is inevitable. We run both manual and automated testing to ensure exceptional software quality. /p>


We help our clients with application publishing. So, you can rest assured that your app release will be fast and hassle-free. We roll out the developed enterprise apps and maintain their smooth work.


Stfalcon guarantees fast problem resolution and troubleshooting in case a bug is reported by the client. What is more, we make our solutions scalable to be in tune with your business growth and changes. Whenever it’s necessary, we can help with the due adjustments.

So, let’s move on to the sensitive question of cost.

How Much Does Enterprise App Development Cost?

Being the most usual, this question is the trickiest. One thing is for sure: it costs!

However, each project is unique. To provide an accurate estimation of the project, we need to take all the factors into consideration.

Enterprise mobile app development cost is determined by the platform. It can be a native iOS or Android solution or a cross-platform one. Other factors are the programming language and the corresponding tech stack. We also need to consider the features to implement, the integrations to provide, and much more. Generally, the cost of development for an enterprise application would start at $100K.

Native applications are often more optimized and tend to perform better. Yet, if you are tight on budget, you may go for a cross-platform solution. However, the latter will most probably need certain compromises in some features and functionality.

The cost of development also depends on the team you want and the level of specialists involved. Junior, middle, and senior developers have different hourly rates. However, junior does not necessarily mean worse, and it does not always stand for cheaper.

How to Make an Enterprise Mobile Application Secure?

Mobile applications are a huge part of modern business. Employees and customers expect easy-to-use mobile apps. Yet, enterprise mobile apps also create security risks if not designed properly.

Hackers and cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to break into systems and steal data. That's why security must be the top priority when building enterprise mobile apps. Here are some key things to focus on to make your enterprise mobile app secure:

Use Secure Coding Practices

Apps riddled with coding flaws and vulnerabilities are easy targets for hackers. Using secure coding principles like input validation and encryption is critical. You need to make efforts to prevent common vulnerabilities. Developers should receive thorough training on secure coding best practices. The code should also go through security testing before deployment.

Implement Strong Authentication

Compromised login credentials are a leading cause of breaches across all apps. Don't rely on usernames and passwords alone. Install multi-factor authentication using extra factors like biometrics, security questions, or mobile push notifications.

Encrypt Data in Transit and at Rest

Data encryption is the most basic security requirement. All data must be encrypted both during transmission and while stored. Use strong encryption algorithms and protocols, like TLS, for data in transit. Data at rest should use encryption keys to prevent access if a device is lost or stolen. Make sure to properly manage encryption keys and credentials.

Keep App and OS Updated

Outdated apps and OSs with known vulnerabilities are an open invitation for attacks. Update the app with security patches often. Ensure your app checks for the latest OS version and alerts users to update. Remove any support for older, insecure OS versions over time.

Have an Incident Plan

Despite your best efforts, security incidents may still occur. Have a comprehensive incident response plan. It should define roles, procedures, and approved tools for detecting and responding to security breaches or data compromises.

Design security into apps from the ground up. Do not tack it on as an afterthought. Follow secure enterprise Android app development practices as well as iOS’s. Remember that prioritizing security at every stage is essential.

Final Thoughts

Custom enterprise app creation can be a challenge. The extensive databases, multifaceted integrations, and security issues make it difficult. It’s a complicated process. It requires thorough research, planning, and consideration of every detail. Yet, proper enterprise software is a long-term investment in your business's effective operation and competitiveness.

At Stfalcon we always craft the product around our client requirements with the best practices and latest technological advances in mind. So, you may be sure your product will ideally match your processes. It will effectively solve your operational tasks.

The best way to learn more about the features needed and to get an accurate project estimation is to come in touch and discuss every detail with a Stfalcon expert. So, let’s talk it over!

About the Author

Andrii is an Android dev with more than 6 years of experience in building, integrating, and maintaining Android apps. He has a strong background in the development of enterprise-level software and apps. As a writer, he wrote numerous articles on app development. Currently, he is working at Stfalcon.

This section tells you more about how to make a mobile app for an enterprise.

FAQs about Enterprise Mobile App Development

What is an enterprise mobile app?

An enterprise mobile app is a software application designed for use within a company or organization. It helps employees complete tasks and access data on mobile devices. Enterprise app development framework differs from consumer apps as it prioritizes security, integration with existing systems, and compliance with corporate policies.

How long does it take to develop an enterprise mobile app?

The timeline for app development for an enterprise varies based on factors like complexity, team size, and requirements. A basic app may take around 3 months or longer. More advanced apps with custom integrations and features can take more than 6 months. Proper planning and close collaboration with stakeholders aid in meeting deadlines.

How can I ensure the security of an enterprise mobile application?

Implement robust authentication mechanisms like biometrics or multifactor authentication. Encrypt data in transit and at rest. Keep software updated with the latest security patches. Enforce strict access controls based on user roles. Security can also be achieved through measures like regular security testing. Following industry-standard security practices and guidelines is also essential.

How much does it cost to develop a mobile app for an enterprise?

The cost of enterprise app development services can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the app's complexity, features, and the development team's expertise. Factors like the integration with existing systems and ongoing maintenance also impact the overall cost. Enterprise app development platform choice (iOS, Android, or both) also matters.