How Much Does it Cost to Maintain App in 2024?

How Much Does it Cost to Maintain App in 2024?


Immortality does not exist even in today's high-tech world. Any software will fall into disrepair without proper maintenance. Mobile applications are the most vulnerable due to the rapid rate of development in this market and ever-increasing user expectations.

Best Travel and Expense Management Software in 2024

Best Travel and Expense Management Software in 2024

Business travel and expense management software

In the minds of a majority of people the term «business travel» evokes an attractive picture of business class flights, luxury hotels, and pleasant pastime at a corporate dinner with men in elegant business suits.

PHP: 5 Powerful Spheres of  Use

PHP: 5 Powerful Spheres of Use

5 spheres of PHP use

Initially built for server-side scripting, PHP has become one of the most widely used programming languages. According to WWW Technology Surveys, the share of its use worldwide exceeds 80%. Among PHP advocates are such giants as Slack, Wikipedia, Wordpress, Pinterest, Nvidia, Tumblr and, to some extent, Facebook.