A Simple Telegram Time Tracker Bot Creation

A Simple Telegram Time Tracker Bot Creation

A Simple Telegram Time Tracker Bot Creation

Everyone has Telegram nowadays. All of us use this messenger daily — it’s convenient, easy to use, intuitive, secure, and of course we all love stickers. Besides the personal messaging, we often use group chats — with family, friends and colleagues.

Let’s Look Under the Hood of Doctrine 2

Let’s Look Under the Hood of Doctrine 2

Doctrine 2

Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that Doctrine is the most frequently used ORM in the Symfony ecosystem. That’s why for the PHP developer, the mastery of this library is really important.

PHP: 5 Powerful Spheres of  Use

PHP: 5 Powerful Spheres of Use

5 spheres of PHP use

Initially built for server-side scripting, PHP has become one of the most widely used programming languages. According to WWW Technology Surveys, the share of its use worldwide exceeds 80%. Among PHP advocates are such giants as Slack, Wikipedia, Wordpress, Pinterest, Nvidia, Tumblr and, to some extent, Facebook.

Code Commenting And PHP Documentation Generation

Code Commenting And PHP Documentation Generation

Code commenting and PHP documentation generation

Why do we need comments in code? How to write them? Where they are necessary and where they are not? How to comment code correctly? How to create the same documentation style for all members of the team? What are the tools for documentation generation?

Symfony 2 Installation And Configuration

Symfony 2 Installation And Configuration

Symfony 2 installation and configuration

Since its release date, Symfony 2.0 installation process and tools required for it have been changed and updated for several times. In this article we tell you how to install and set up a Symfony2 application.

Code Refactoring In PhpStorm

Code Refactoring In PhpStorm

Code refactoring in PhpStorm

PHP refactoring is really cool! But in the process of fulfilling it, some routine operations and repetitive actions with the code are rather frequent. And in the end there still may remain a lot of syntax errors. Well it often kills any initiative. And surely this is not cool.