Deploying Symfony2 Applications On Heroku Cloud
When working on my small home project on Symfony2, I needed to deploy it on staging for testing API from the outside. Sure, you need some hosting for this purpose: either have it already or buy it.
When working on my small home project on Symfony2, I needed to deploy it on staging for testing API from the outside. Sure, you need some hosting for this purpose: either have it already or buy it.
PHP-framework Symfony2 has a very nice component ParamConverter, which allows to convert parameters from URL into PHP variables. When the functionality that comes out of box isn’t enough, you should extend it manually. In this post I’ll show how to write your custom Symfony2 ParamConverter.
To work with Behat php Mink library is used in Symfony 2. Behat uses a default goutte driver for all tests. This driver works pretty quickly, but it does not support Javascript.
Graylog is a non standard solution for logging with the ability to set up alerts for certain events, as well as real-time viewing of filtered events. It’s written in RoR, fast, reliable and has informative graphs.
For Symfony2 with Graylog2 bundle we need
PHP refactoring is really cool! But in the process of fulfilling it, some routine operations and repetitive actions with the code are rather frequent. And in the end there still may remain a lot of syntax errors. Well it often kills any initiative. And surely this is not cool.
Capifony is a smart and convenient tool to deploy Symfony sites. It’s based on Capistrano and is written by Konstantin Kudryashov. Basic information on working with Capifony can be gleaned from the official site and the short article "Deploy Symfony Application Painlessly with Capifony".