
Let’s Look Under the Hood of Doctrine 2

Let’s Look Under the Hood of Doctrine 2

Doctrine 2

Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that Doctrine is the most frequently used ORM in the Symfony ecosystem. That’s why for the PHP developer, the mastery of this library is really important.

Symfony 2 Installation And Configuration

Symfony 2 Installation And Configuration

Symfony 2 installation and configuration

Since its release date, Symfony 2.0 installation process and tools required for it have been changed and updated for several times. In this article we tell you how to install and set up a Symfony2 application.

Symfony2 Architecture

Symfony2 Architecture

Symfony2 Architecture

Flexible architecture is the most notable feature of Symfony2 framework. It helps this PHP framework to stand out and allows developers to quickly create functional applications. This topic deserves a separate article so here we’re going to delve into some details of Symfony2 architecture.