EMR/EHR Interfaces: 14 Key Principles for User-Friendly Design
The EHR user interface design encompasses the overall visual and operational aspects of the system. The complexity of building a straightforward EHR interface design increases with additional features or functionalities.
The Comprehensive Guide for Developing a Remote Patient Monitoring System (RPM)
The healthcare sector is currently experiencing a digital revolution, with the development of remote patient monitoring systems playing a prominent role in this transformative journey.
Clinical Decision Support Systems: Advantages, Possible Obstacles, and Practical Uses
Computerized clinical decision support systems, known as CDSS, signify a profound transformation in modern healthcare. These systems are designed to enhance and support clinicians in their intricate decision-making processes.
Advancing Healthcare Interoperability for SaMD and IoMT Solutions
Interoperability in Healthcare isn't merely a technical concept or a legal requirement. It wields a profound influence on patient well-being, and harnessing it opens up boundless possibilities for healthcare enterprises to provide greater value, boost revenue, reduce expenses, and even save lives.
What is SaMD (Software as a Medical Device) and How is it Regulated?
Only recently, the medical device industry has initiated the development of software-based products entirely independent of hardware devices.
Technology Trends in Healthcare to Consider in 2024
Post-COVID times have irreversibly changed the attitudes towards digitization in healthcare. The things previously seen just as a feasible way of gradual modernization – reduction of staff burden, fast and faultless decision-making, and shift to home-based medicine – have suddenly become urgent technology trends in healthcare.
Why You Need to Develop a Telemedicine App
Both patients and providers of healthcare are showing a strong preference for telehealth solutions, which is driving the demand for telehealth app development.
IoT in Healthcare: Applications, Benefits, and Challenges
The Internet of Things emerged as groundbreaking technology about a decade ago. Yet, our continuous innovation in tech solutions and IoT devices in Healthcare utilization persists.
Best Healthcare CRM Software in 2024
Recently the global healthcare CRM market was valued at about 7.3 billion USD and by 2026 it is expected to quadruple, reaching 28.89 billion according to Stratistics Market Research Consulting.