Frontend Automation Using Grunt

Frontend Automation Using Grunt

Frontend Automation using Grunt

There’s a great variety of assembly automators — take as much as you like, but many of them are not suitable for simple tasks. Below goes a description of what is used for faster work on Frontend. Who cares, welcome to the cut.

How to Create A Custom Param Converter In Symfony2?

How to Create A Custom Param Converter In Symfony2?

Writing custom ParamConverter in Symfony2

PHP-framework Symfony2 has a very nice component ParamConverter, which allows to convert parameters from URL into PHP variables. When the functionality that comes out of box isn’t enough, you should extend it manually. In this post I’ll show how to write your custom Symfony2 ParamConverter.

A plug-in for fast image loading in MarkItUp

A plug-in for fast image loading in MarkItUp

A plug-in for fast image loading in MarkItUp

Let's talk about writing a plug-in for the markItUp WYSIWYG editor. The task of the plug-in should be quick and easy loading of images to the server to be inserted into a text afterwards (in the form of img tag).