CTO (over 10 years of experience). Oleksandr is the technical heart of our company pumping the blood to every department. He is always ready to help with any technical issues
Consumers’ attitudes and behavior shifted in recent years. With the advance of technology, people can shop and order services online and mostly want to be satisfied instantaneously.
It is difficult to imagine a modern mobile application without animations. Good animation allows you to create an application that attracts attention and is easy to use, while not distracting the user from the app itself.
In summer 2016 Pokémon GO mobile game was uniting people of all ages just like Olympic Games in Rio. An app for finding cute pocket monsters from our childhood has become insanely popular in no time: in 24 hours after launch it was on the top app list on App Store and Google Play.
Apps that are using network communicate with the server by executing queries and receiving answers. Server acts as an information desk providing answers to any questions and accepting inquiries made in a certain way to further process and save them.
Modern life is very dynamic and full of challenges since people are trying to balance career, friends and relationships. With smartphones always being available in their pockets online dating is again on the rise and Tinder with its 50 million users is probably the most popular app
Hi everybody! I think everyone has already watched Android L presentation and saw its revolutionary innovations for Android material design platform. Well, it won’t take long to get the release; and for now attentive users could notice the emergence of new design elements in some applications. My attention was drawn to «Play Press» update. It looks and feels really revolutionary; I got stuck for a few minutes, and even began to look through the press.
Today I got an opportunity to organize analytics for one rather big commercial project. Even though I have enough experience in such events, I had to deal with some surprises. The first one was a new GA SDK v4, which, by the way, the SDK Manager didn't even offer to update, considering v3 to be the latest. But this is logical, because at the moment all the tools for GA are in Google Play Services SDK.
Often, when drafting a project a situation arises where the assigned tasks are difficult to solve by existing standard development tools. Then third-party resources come to the aid in the form of libraries and other goodies. So it happened with our newly developed application MegaSOS for Android platform. But let me cover each thing in its turn.