Oleksandra R.

Oleksandra R.

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Middle Recruiting Specialist (work experience +4 years) works remotely. She enjoys meeting new people and bringing the same spirit specialists to the Stfalcon team. Love to taste delicious meals and laugh a lot while playing table games

Articles by {Oleksandra R.}

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Full Stack Developer

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Full Stack Developer

In the fast-changing world of technology, the need for skilled professionals has reached new heights. Full-stack developers are valuable assets who can handle both front- and back-end development.

HR System Development 2024: What You Should Know

HR System Development 2024: What You Should Know

Human Resources are the driving force of every business. However, the HR department is a part of business easy to overlook and underestimate. It’s vital to realize that an effective HR system is a critical aspect for business well-functioning.

Best Employee Onboarding Software for HRs

Best Employee Onboarding Software for HRs

Finding and retaining top talent is crucial in today's competitive job market. Effective employee onboarding is an important step in this process. Businesses rely on employee onboarding software to streamline this HR management aspect.

How to hire the right dedicated Flutter app developer?

How to hire the right dedicated Flutter app developer?

Stfalcon Wins a Clutch Global Award

Starting to speak about Flutter, the first thing we need to mention is its history and the fact that it was run in 2018 by Google. Today, in 2022, it has already become a reasonably well-known framework between creators, which is used by almost all of Europe now.

How to Hire the Right UI/UX Design Agency in 2023

How to Hire the Right UI/UX Design Agency in 2023

Living in the comfort of the modern world, we rarely notice, how many things are carefully planned and designed for our convenience. That’s where the secret lies, everything that is convenient comes unnoticed by people. It works both for real life and the digital world.