Project Team Lead
Back in 1982, Boston Computer Exchange, the first online marketplace, was launched and gave birth to a new eon of online business possibilities. 1995 brought Amazon and eBay into place.
Are you running an app or thinking of developing one? Great! But have you considered the cost of maintaining it? You need regular app maintenance to ensure your solution runs smoothly and provides a seamless user experience.
According to estimates, the global ridesharing market is forecast to grow by $86.33 billion during 2022-2027, accelerating at a CAGR of 17.45% till 2027. This means that the industry is on its way to recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic losses.
The Clutch, the leading global marketplace of B2B service providers, has included Stfalcon in the Top 1000 Global Service Providers list for 2022.