Top 7 Marketplace Development Trends in 2024

Top 7 Marketplace Development Trends in 2024

Top-7 Marketplace Development Trends in 2019

In 2027, the eCommerce market is projected to reach a volume of $6.35 trillion, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.51%. The experts predict the fastest and constant online marketplace development in the next few years, making electronic commerce the main global retail channel.

Best Online Marketplaces for 2018 and Beyond

Best Online Marketplaces for 2018 and Beyond

Top online marketplaces

Vibrant showcases, repetitious rows of shelves, enticing muzak, smiling assistants... A precise picture of a shopping paradise, a place where you readily change your cash for 1001 something, as if enchanted by a magic wand of a mighty wizard. Well, it seems no — not anymore.