Hello CoreData!

Hello CoreData!

Hello CoreData!

Today we will review framework under the terrible name CoreData, from Apple. I hate it so much. This is Apple's solution to work with SQLite (a relational database). CoreData can store Swift objects in SQLite, and also it can perform the reverse operation.

ChatKit Library for Android Apps

ChatKit Library for Android Apps

ChatKit Library

In the world of iOS development there is a well-known JSQMessagesViewController library which helps iOS-developers to implement UI chat in their applications easily. Unfortunately, Android developers are deprived of such a wonderful tool.

Android-Library For Full Screen Image View

Android-Library For Full Screen Image View

FrescoImageViewer. Android-library for Full Screen Image View

Nowadays we can see lots of new solutions for mobile app design, however there is one thing remaining unchangeable while interaction with them — intuitive gestures.

iOS Development: Best Practices

iOS Development: Best Practices

iOS development. Best practices

Hello. In this article, I will try to give some tips on writing a code for beginners in iOS development. I will not dive in much details, since it will take a lot of time (to be honest, I’m just too lazy).

Simple Unit Tests For Android

Simple Unit Tests For Android

Simple unit tests for Android

The time has come to share with you this small article on testing Android app logic. It didn’t occur to me that it is a significant component of Android app development for quite a time but it’s never too late to learn, neither for you, nor for me :)

Learning Android Gestures

Learning Android Gestures

Learning Android gestures

What happens within the system when a user touches the screen? And even more important — how to handle it right? The time has come to figure everything out once and for all! Today’s post is on what I’ve learned about Android Touch System and my experience with it.

Animation In IOS: Native Solutions And Third-Party Frameworks

Animation In IOS: Native Solutions And Third-Party Frameworks

Animation in iOS: native solutions and third-party frameworks

Today we will take a look at a couple of quite simple examples, learn about pros and cons of what Apple has to offer in terms of animation and get ourselves familiar with some third-party frameworks I personally find to be quite useful for handling animation. I will also show you how to use UIKit Dynamics and Motion Effects available starting from iOS 7.

Android WebSocket. Feedback, or When Every Second Matters

Android WebSocket. Feedback, or When Every Second Matters

Android WebSocket. Feedback, or When every second matters

Apps that are using network communicate with the server by executing queries and receiving answers. Server acts as an information desk providing answers to any questions and accepting inquiries made in a certain way to further process and save them.