Frontend Automation Using Grunt

Frontend Automation Using Grunt

Frontend Automation using Grunt

There’s a great variety of assembly automators — take as much as you like, but many of them are not suitable for simple tasks. Below goes a description of what is used for faster work on Frontend. Who cares, welcome to the cut.

How to Create A Custom Param Converter In Symfony2?

How to Create A Custom Param Converter In Symfony2?

Writing custom ParamConverter in Symfony2

PHP-framework Symfony2 has a very nice component ParamConverter, which allows to convert parameters from URL into PHP variables. When the functionality that comes out of box isn’t enough, you should extend it manually. In this post I’ll show how to write your custom Symfony2 ParamConverter.

Android Material Design

Android Material Design

Android Material Design

Hi everybody! I think everyone has already watched Android L presentation and saw its revolutionary innovations for Android material design platform. Well, it won’t take long to get the release; and for now attentive users could notice the emergence of new design elements in some applications. My attention was drawn to «Play Press» update. It looks and feels really revolutionary; I got stuck for a few minutes, and even began to look through the press.

Google Maps Markers Clustering On Android

Google Maps Markers Clustering On Android

Working with Google Maps in Android. Clustering of markers

Often, when drafting a project a situation arises where the assigned tasks are difficult to solve by existing standard development tools. Then third-party resources come to the aid in the form of libraries and other goodies. So it happened with our newly developed application MegaSOS for Android platform. But let me cover each thing in its turn.

iOS 6 Google Maps integration

iOS 6 Google Maps integration

iOS 6 Google Maps integration

When developing an iOS application for automotive project we faced the need for Google Maps integration in iOS. It turned to be not quite as trivial for starting from iOS 6.0 version Apple removed Google Maps from the default set of applications. Standard MapKit has also been completely redesigned and adapted to work with a new Apple mapping service.

Gitorious Install On Debian Squeeze

Gitorious Install On Debian Squeeze

Gitorious install on Debian Squeeze

Gitorious is a repositories hosting based on a distributing version of Git control system. This is the second popular service after Github. The source code for the project is available on the AGPL license.