How Can Web Solutions Improve Logistics Business Efficiency?
Global logistics costs amount to 10% of GDP — that is about $7T, a huge total indeed. If to compare this sum — America’s GDP in 2016 was $18,5T.
Global logistics costs amount to 10% of GDP — that is about $7T, a huge total indeed. If to compare this sum — America’s GDP in 2016 was $18,5T.
Vibrant showcases, repetitious rows of shelves, enticing muzak, smiling assistants... A precise picture of a shopping paradise, a place where you readily change your cash for 1001 something, as if enchanted by a magic wand of a mighty wizard. Well, it seems no — not anymore.
Today, one may often come across the disputes about the feasibility of applying PHP in the development of IT products and services. There are so many publications (mostly, written in emotions by frustrated programmers)
Initially built for server-side scripting, PHP has become one of the most widely used programming languages. According to WWW Technology Surveys, the share of its use worldwide exceeds 80%. Among PHP advocates are such giants as Slack, Wikipedia, Wordpress, Pinterest, Nvidia, Tumblr and, to some extent, Facebook.
There’s nothing more desirable than making an app go viral. Virality is gradually becoming a synonym of success. But what makes some apps go right to the top charts? We tried to figure it out in this article.
Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) have become irreplaceable over the last two decades. As at 2017, 81% of organizations were either implementing ERP software or completed implementation.
There has never been a better time to start your own business. Never in the history have you had so much freedom and so much support. Never have there been so many new fields waiting for your initiative... Oops, but the statistics is sobering: 90 % of the startups fail. Why?
So, you have decided to digitize your business. But who to entrust this major challenge with? Assuming you are not going to transform your firm into a web-dev, you need third-party IT specialists. The practice is common nowadays.
We’ve already talked about making your startup lovable with Happy Startup Canvas and today we’d like to discuss another vital matter: startup traction. According to Naval Ravikant (AngelList), traction is a quantitative evidence of market demand.
Silicon Valley is a fruitful soil for new businesses. Yet at the same time, it is one of the most competitive environments in the whole wide world. What makes some startups burst and flourish and the other sink into oblivion?