Easiest Way to Get Investors for an App

Everyone passionate about some idea is impatient to start with it. We are sure you do when you have an idea for an innovative mobile app.
Easiest Way to Get Investors for an App
Everyone passionate about some idea is impatient to start with it. We are sure you do when you have an idea for an innovative mobile app.
How to Hire an Android Developer and Where to Find Them
According to Statista, in 2022, the count of distinct mobile internet users reached 5 billion, signifying that over 60 percent of the global internet community accesses the internet through mobile devices.
Ultimate Articles 2019 Digest from Stfalcon
The year is approaching its end and we’ve got an idea to overview everything interested published in 2019. Almost at the beginning of the year the article 5 Thoughts About the Future of Mobile App Development and the one about The Future Of Mobile Apps In The Next Decade were published.
Trends and Features that will be of use for Sports Apps Development in 2020
Sport has always been an important part of people’s life, but nowadays it has much more influence in various spheres than ever before. Without any doubt, it’s still important for entertainment, keeping fit and staying healthy, but big sports events go far beyond this domain.
What Is Mobility As A Service And How To Make The Most Of It
Mobility as a service is a new ground-breaking concept being shaped by the 3 main factors: alternative power transport, electric vehicles, and on-demand services.
What a PSP Is, How It Works and Who Tops the Industry
Generation Z seems to have already revolutionized much in the modern flow of life and the digital world in particular.
7 Goals All Early-Stage Startups Should Consider to Be Backed
As soon as you have made up your mind to launch a startup and found the groundbreaking idea for it, the next step should be to define the main business goals you set.
Single Page Application (SPA) Principles Every Web Developer Should Know
Every SPA development project is unique in its own way. The application can have a unique design, a complicated business logic, a very specific target audience. Still, in spite of the uniqueness, a great part of the development process can be generalized and its common principles can be defined for more effective work.
7 Incredible Tech Solutions to Inspire Innovative Pet Startups
We often speak about new digital trends and technical innovations, but there are other trends worth mentioning. Interest in owning pets is one of them. The pet market is now expanding all over the world. It results in a larger amount of pet-owning households and more money spent in the sphere.
Website Page Load Speed Optimization — a Secret of the Perfect User Experience and High Ranking
As a smart website owner, you are sure to know that page and site speed is a critical ranking factor and an aspect to consider for effective SEO processes.