What a PSP Is, How It Works and Who Tops the Industry

Generation Z seems to have already revolutionized much in the modern flow of life and the digital world in particular.
What a PSP Is, How It Works and Who Tops the Industry
Generation Z seems to have already revolutionized much in the modern flow of life and the digital world in particular.
7 Goals All Early-Stage Startups Should Consider to Be Backed
As soon as you have made up your mind to launch a startup and found the groundbreaking idea for it, the next step should be to define the main business goals you set.
7 Incredible Tech Solutions to Inspire Innovative Pet Startups
We often speak about new digital trends and technical innovations, but there are other trends worth mentioning. Interest in owning pets is one of them. The pet market is now expanding all over the world. It results in a larger amount of pet-owning households and more money spent in the sphere.
Technologies do not stand still and the development processes move with them too. Earlier the companies commonly used «Waterfall» model, but at present, the priority is mostly given to «Scrum» placement.
How to Validate a Business Idea: What Should Precede an MVP
There has never been a better time to start your own business. Never in the history have you had so much freedom and so much support. Never have there been so many new fields waiting for your initiative... Oops, but the statistics is sobering: 90 % of the startups fail. Why?
Business Californian Way, or What We Can Learn from Silicon Valley Startups
Silicon Valley is a fruitful soil for new businesses. Yet at the same time, it is one of the most competitive environments in the whole wide world. What makes some startups burst and flourish and the other sink into oblivion?
6 Most Successful Startups to Watch in 2018
Successful US startups attract millions of dollars investment annually. What is the secret of a successful startup and how to turn your idea into a profitable project?
Growth Engines Used by Snapchat, Zendesk and Uber
If you’re familiar with lean methodology by Eric Ries, you know that there’re 3 major engines of growth: viral, sticky and paid. If you aren’t, we will remind you how they work.
Startups Solving User Problems
9 in 10 startups never make it. In 42% of all cases the reason of failure is that users don’t need them since they aren’t offering any problem solving solutions. “Users simply don’t get it” is a childish excuse.
We continue our startup series and from this article you will learn about pivot and its types as well as how to recognize when it’s time to move on and make radical changes to your initial startup idea.